Personal Details
- GMC number 6025591 (registration August 2001)
- Performers List licensed GP since 2008
- Revalidation next due: 2030
- No previous or current GMC sanctions or investigations.
- Member of Faculty of Expert Witnesses
Senior Professional Roles and Main Achievements
Lead GP Principal for Integrated Health and Research, Powys Teaching Health Board (2022-)
An innovative new post, leading (50% time) integrated care /GP care across the health board as a clinician to improve care for patients with serious mental illness who have poor engagement with standard general practice, and 50% time as Research clinician to work on research projects and to support research capacity and development for the digital rural health economy. I am also the lead S12 clinician for the health board (Home Office approved to conduct Mental Health Act Assessments). I also work for SHROPDOC participating in regular OOH GP and locum work (2013-current).
Honorary / Visiting Professor (University of South Wales) and Honorary Senior Lecturer (University of Liverpool)
Active research clinician and opinion former, in areas of co-morbid physical and serious mental illness, polypharmacy and medication related harms. Nearly £3m in current research grants:
- NHS Research Time Award (2022-2025); Antipsychotic management in Primary Care (AMP study, circa £100,000) (Principal Investigator)
- NIHR grant (2022-2025): ‘DynAIRx’ study: Dynamic prescribing optimisation tool development for polypharmacy and multimorbidity management; £2.8million (Co-Investigator)
GP Inspector and Death In Custody Reviewer, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (2017-)
I am a longstanding GP practice inspector for HIW, having conducted over 50 inspections of practices (examination of the quality of clinical practice against professional standards) and a senior case investigator for any deaths in custody in Wales, producing high quality reports to inform both the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman and H.M. Coroner inquests of the quality of primary care in each case, with court attendance as a witness if required.
Previous Professional Experience and Significant Achievements
- MCRGP (Distinction): in top (1%) of all examination candidates. Shortlisted for National Medal
- Diploma Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH)
- Diploma Royal College Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRCOG)
- Certificate in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (BASICS UK)
- Letter of Competence in Sub-Dermal Implants (DFSRH LoC SDI)
- Certificate in Travel Health, London School Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Certificate in Advanced Life Support in Obstetric Emergencies (ALSO)
- Diploma in Therapeutics, University of Cardiff
- RCGP Certificate in Substance Misuse (Part 1)
GP, Powys Teaching Health Board and NHS Highland (2008-2022)
GP partnership in remote/rural general practice. Partner in rural practices during this period (briefly locum GP between partnerships); prescribing, research & clinical governance lead. Medical student & GP Trainer. . Section 12(2) approved doctor and speciality doctor (psychiatry) for Powys Mental Health out of hours rota. GP running local community hospital ward 3 days per week. LMC executive officer and chair of Powys LMC GP committee.
Shropshire VTS (2006-2008)
GP registrar post, and SHO training posts in Accident and Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Psychiatry.
Specialist Registrar in Public Health Medicine, Telford & Wrekin PCT (2004-2006)
Specialist Registrar to single-handed Director of Public Health; was tasked with developing strategies to reduce smoking cessation, suicide rates and improve health promotion delivery to population of Telford and Wrekin:
- Master in public health (MPH): Awarded with distinction, 2005
- BMJ study on smoking ban: Paper was influential in preventing UK partial smoking ban.
SHO Psychiatry, North Wales NHS Trust, (2003-2004)
Two years’ experience in liaison, primary care and rehabilitation psychiatry.
PRHO Medicine and Surgery, York NHS Trust (2001-2002)
Posts in cardiology, respiratory medicine, diabetes and endocrinology, general surgery and urology as pre-registration house officer.
Academic Background
2004 – 2005 University of Birmingham
- Masters in public health (MPH): awarded with distinction
- Research published in BMJ helped lead to UK smoking ban.
1996 – 2001 University of Leeds Medical School
- Traditional pre-clinical/clinical medical degree design
- Seven undergraduate prizes awarded in medical school examinations (see appendix)
- MBChB (overall awarded Honours† with Distinctions*)
- Anatomy*, Physiology*, Biochemistry*, Pharmacology*, Public Health*, Neuroscience*, Pathology*, Haematology*, Microbiology*, Behavioural Sciences*, Paediatrics†, Obstetrics /Gynaecology†, Psychiatry†, Medicine†, Surgery†
1995 – 1996 University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Worked with Professor B Ames, Director of National Institutes of Health Sciences
- Research: Free-radical biochemistry; prevention of degenerative diseases of ageing / birth defects
- Teaching of undergraduate medical and science students
1988 – 1994 University of Liverpool
- BSc. Biochemistry: First Class Honours (1991)
- Wellcome Trust Prize Ph.D., Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry (1994)
- Publications achieved from this work.
Academic prizes, awards, fellowships and publications
I have 19 academic prizes, awards and fellowships spanning my career pathway throughout science and medicine. I have over 40 publications including peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, book chapters, discussion and debate papers and letters in the scientific and medical academic press. For more details, please see my ORCID profile for full list of publications and grants: Alan Woodall (0000-0003-2933-0508) - ORCID
Interests and Hobbies
I volunteer as a humanitarian disaster relief Doctor and UK Trustee with Med Global, providing overseas medical support to refugees in resource poor countries (worked in refugee camps in Greece and Bangladesh). I also volunteer as a STEM ambassador providing free science tuition to A-level to deprived or neurodivergent children from state schools. I enjoy cycling, playing the guitar badly and remote-rural hiking.
I am happy to supply references. Details will be made available upon request.
Academic Prizes, Awards and Competitive Fellowships
- Health Care Research Wales NHS Research Time Award (2022-2025): Funding and research to investigate antipsychotic management in primary care
- Distinction Award in Membership of Royal College of General Practitioners (2007). Merits in all modules, one of only 20 candidates (top 1%) to achieve this and short-listed for Fraser Rose medal.
- Distinction Award in Master’s in public health (2005); distinction awarded to best performing candidates in MPH examination and research project
- University of Leeds Matthew Stewart Prize in Laboratory Medicine (1999); awarded to medical student with best performance in 3MB examinations in Laboratory and Scientific Medicine (Chemical Pathology, Clinical Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Haematology)
- ·Foulkes Foundation Award(1999); award to fund a medical student representative from each UK medical school to attend the Royal College of Physicians’ Advanced Science and Medicine Conference, London
- University of Leeds Infirmary Prize (1998); awarded to medical student with best overall performance in 2MB examinations
- University of Leeds Shuttleworth Prize in Anatomy (1998); awarded to medical student with best performance in both 1MB and 2MB examinations in Anatomy, Embryology and Histology
- University of Leeds Newman Prize in Physiology (1998); awarded to medical student with best performance in 1MB and 2MB examinations in Physiology
- University of Leeds Silversides Prize for Integrated Medical Topics (1998); awarded to medical student with best performance in 2MB examinations in Integrated Medical Topics (Oncology, Immunology, Medical Genetics, Neuroscience, Gross Pathology)
- University of Leeds Thackrah Prize for Public Health Medicine (1998); awarded to medical student with best overall performance in 2MB examinations in Public Health Medicine and Medical Statistics
- University of Leeds Crabtree Scholarship (1997); awarded to medical student with best overall performance in examination in Behavioural Sciences
- Sir Richard Stapley Foundation Scholarship (1996); competitive award to mature entry graduates undertaking a medical degree
- Sidney Perry Foundation Scholarship (1996); competitive award to mature entry graduates undertaking a medical degree
- National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences Postdoctoral Scientist Award (1995). Salary and research funding for 2 years at University of California, Berkeley to undertake research with Professor B. Ames, Director of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Wellcome Trust Prize Ph.D. Studentship (1991 - 1994); competitive research studentship awarded to students on basis of their research potential and quality of research proposal made jointly by student and supervisor. Wellcome Trust grant:
- University of Liverpool Channon Prize (1991); awarded to graduate in School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with best performance in Honours School (on basis of written, data analysis, practical and research project examination)
- University of Liverpool Gossage Undergraduate Scholarship (1989, 1990); awarded annually to student with best overall performance in first- and second-year examinations in each Faculty of Science Department. Won in both successive end of year examinations
- National Union of Mineworkers Academic Scholarship (1989, 1990, 1991); scholarship awarded to the dependants of coal miners who show academic excellence in University examinations. Won in 3 successive years